Everybody sweats; it is a normal and important part of how our bodies regulate temperature. Hyperhidrosis means excessive sweating. People with hyperhidrosis produce sweat in amounts far greater than that needed to control their temperature. Approximately 3% of UK adults suffer from some form of excessive sweating and around 1.4% experience excessive sweating under the arms. That equates to approximately 840,000 people in the UK.
It usually begins to affect people from adolescence or early twenties and often persists to affect individuals in middle age. People with this condition can produce large amounts of sweat which can often be unsightly causing damp sweat patches.
How it works
Hyperhidrosis is treated by injecting small amounts of Botox®/Bocouture (botulinum toxin) under the skin. As the injections are so superficial within the skin, the Botox®/Bocouture acts on the sweat glands and not on the surrounding muscles. TheBotox®/Bocouture temporarily reduces the effectiveness of the sweat glands leaving a dry, clean area of skin even during exercise. The vast majority of people gain the desired results following the injection. A small percentage do however continue to sweat (to a lesser extent) in the treated areas. In clinical trials sweating was reduced by 83% of patients one week after treatment.
What to expect
Treatment Length | 30 minutes |
Downtime | None |
Results Last | 6 months + |