
Aqualyx® is an injectable solution based on Deoxycholic acid, which occurs naturally in the body as a bile salt, where it emulsifies fat in the intestine as part of the digestive process.

Deoxycholic acid is the active ingredient of fat dissolving injections or 'Flab Jabs'/Lipostabil as they were known in the past, which were mixed with phosphatidyl choline, but these are no longer widely available. Aqualyx® is similar to Kybella, which is FDA approved in the USA. The removal of specific fat cells will be permanent, however it is important that an active and healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise are regularly practised in order to maintain results.


How it works

When Aqualyx is injected into the fatty layer under the skin, it 'dissolves' the membranes surrounding the stubborn fat cells (adipocytes). The contained fat leaks out in between the cells, and is removed safely by the body through the normal processes. This is called 'adipocytolysis'.

Aqualyx® is not a treatment for weight loss or skin laxity, it is for those who exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet but have localised stubborn areas of fat irrespective of weight. It therefore works very well when combined with appropriate exercise and weight reduction programmes. Aqualyx is a prescription only medicine and you will only be treated with one of our medical team.

The treatment is successful in removing areas of unwanted fat, such as:

  • Double chins
  • Love handles
  • Muffin tops (lower tummy fat pads/'Mummy Tummy')
  • Outer thigh fat pads
  • Thoracic rolls ('Back Boobs')
  • 'Saddles Bags'
  • 'Bat wings'
  • Inner thigh fat pads

What to expect

Treatment Length 30 minutes
Downtime Swelling/Lumpiness, 1 – 2 weeks
Sessions Required 2 - 4
Results Last Long lasting dependant on lifestyle

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side-effects?

How many treatments will I need?

Is it painful to have done?

Is there anyone who cannot have Aqualyx?

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving injections - Pricing

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