botox treatment



Botulinum Type A (Botox®) is still the most popular non surgical anti ageing treatment for lines and wrinkles worldwide.

It has been used medically for many years to treat muscular problems including eyelid and facial spasms or 'tics', cerebral palsy, and torticollis (neck muscle spasm), and it has an excellent safety record.

Ageing is associated with the development of wrinkles and furrows on the face. These lines may develop as a result of weakened dermal collagen from sun exposure, gravity and smoking, and/or due to facial muscle action on the skin.


How it works

Botox® relaxes the muscles that cause these lines, so softening them and smoothing the overlying skin.

The typical areas to treat are 'Frown Lines' between the eyebrows, 'Crows Feet' smile lines, and horizontal forehead lines (worry lines).

Injection into all of these areas has shown to be very successful with excellent results lasting on average between 3-5 months.

Occasionally, some patients with very powerful muscles may not see a complete relaxation of the targeted area with the first injection, but subsequent treatments will further relax the overactive muscles, improving the result each time.

Anthony and Jenny O’Neill, Directors of Suffolk Medical & Beauty Clinic, as advanced practitioners, also treat other areas of the face and neck (A Nefertiti Lift), and also treat excess sweating (Hyperhidrosis) and teeth grinding (Bruxism).

What to expect

Treatment Length 20 - 30 minutes
Downtime None
Results Last 3 - 4 months

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side-effects?

Do the injections hurt?

Does Botox® have any effects on other parts of the body?

How do I find the right person to administer Botox®?

How long does Botox® last, and how quickly does it start to take effect?

How many treatments will I need?

How safe is Botox®?

Is there anyone who shouldn't be treated with Botox®?

What happens after my Botox® treatment – aftercare advice

What is Botox® and what does it do?

Which areas would I consider having Botox®?

Why and where would I consider having Botox®?

Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?
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