Are there any side-effects?
There should be a very low risk of side-effects if the Botox is given by an experienced practitioner. We feel that it is very important to take 'before' and 'after' digital photos of our clients to monitor treatment progress, especially with their first treatment.
All clients are offered a free of charge 2 - 3 weeks review appointment where photos will be taken, results discussed and any adjustments, if necessary, are done.
Reported side-effects include flattening of the eyebrows and very occasionally temporary weakening of the upper eyelid [ptosis], if too much Botox is given too close to the eyebrow.
Injections in the neck muscles need to be given with care, as swallowing difficulties have been reported following treatment, again usually if too high a dose is used.
Do the injections hurt?
Because the needle is so fine, most patients find that the injections only cause mild, temporary discomfort.
Does Botox® have any effects on other parts of the body?
No, not in the small doses used for aesthetic purposes and in the hands of an experienced practitioner.
How do I find the right person to administer Botox®?
Botox is a prescription only medicine, and should be given only by a qualified Doctor or Nurse who is experienced in this technique, so check for qualifications.
- Dr Anthony O'Neill and Jenny O'Neill RGN are advanced injectors with 20 + years of clinical experience in this field, and are called upon to train other aesthetic medical and nursing practitioners.
- 'Word of mouth' or personal recommendation is great, if a friend or colleague is pleased with their treatment at a particular clinic.
- It is also worth checking that the clinic is inspected and registered with the Care Quality Commission, (CQC) as this does ensure a generally high standard of care.
How long does Botox® last, and how quickly does it start to take effect?
Botox starts to take effect usually within a few days, with full effect at two weeks.
Most clients have it repeated every 4 months, when the muscle function has started to return. It is usual to retreat when there is about 50% of the muscle activity back.
The effects will usually wear off completely by six to eight months and there is no evidence that it has any long term effect on the muscles that it was injected into.
However, by relaxing the muscles for period of time, the inclination to use them is reduced, and this 're-education' effect is also helpful in the prevention of further lines or wrinkles.
How many treatments will I need?
In our experience, repeat treatments are usually needed about every 4 months to maintain the best results. Clinical trials report that some patients, who have had repeated treatments for some time, only need treatments once or twice a year to maintain good results.
The effects of Botox® start gradually after a few days, with maximum effect at 14 days onwards. Working the muscles for 2 hours after treatment can help speed up the onset of effect.
How safe is Botox®?
Botox is manufactured and transported under very strict conditions, and should be kept in a freezer until reconstituted with bacteriostatic saline, when it is stable at room temperature for some days.
Some other types of Botulinum Toxin Type A are stable at room temperature. Decades of use in medical conditions have demonstrated its long term safety record, which should be reassuring to clients.
It is important that the person prescribing and administering Botox is experienced in its use, and that before and after treatment photos are taken.
At Suffolk Medical Clinic we always complete a full medical consultation and allow enough time for any questions to be fully answered.
Is there anyone who shouldn't be treated with Botox®?
It is very important that a relevant medical history is taken, to exclude from treatment anyone with a history of swallowing difficulties, or certain muscular, connective tissue and neurological problems, such as Myasthenia Gravis, Eaton-Lambert Syndrome, and Motor Neurone Disease.
In addition to these rare conditions we will not treat ladies that are pregnant, breast feeding or actively trying to conceive.
What happens after my Botox® treatment – aftercare advice
- Try to exercise your treated muscles for 2-3 hours after treatment (e.g. practice frowning, raising your eyebrows or squinting). This helps to work BOTOX® into your muscles. Although this is thought to help, it will NOT adversely affect your treatment if you forget to do this.
- Do NOT rub or massage the treated areas for 6 hours after your treatment.
- Do NOT apply make-up for 4 hours after your treatment, unless absolutely necessary
- Do NOT lie down or do strenuous exercise for 4 hours after treatment. Feel free to shower and go about most other regular daily activities.
- Be assured that any tiny bumps or marks will go away within a few hours after your treatment.
- Results of your treatment may take up to 14 days to take full effect.
- Remember to schedule your 2 week follow up appointment!
- We strive to fully satisfy our patients with each treatment of Botox. If you have any questions about your treatment, then please do not hesitate to call our clinic at 01787 211000 and we will arrange for a follow-up assessment.
- The results of your BOTOX treatment are not permanent. You should find that your results will last approximately 3 or 4 months. If you maintain your treatment consultations with the frequency recommended by your clinician, the duration of each treatment result may last longer than 4 months.
- Suffolk Medical Clinic usually reviews patients at about 4 monthly intervals when the next Botox® is due. The best clinical results can be achieved for you by following this treatment plan. If you allow your Botox to completely wear off, it is difficult for the injector to be able to see how your individual muscles reacted and therefore optimal results for your face can be more difficult to achieve.
- Treatment with Botox requires a specialised technique in order to customise the injections to your individual muscular structure. It is therefore important that your injector sees you before your muscles resume the full range of motion (and cause wrinkling again). Your injector needs to see you at the point when some muscle activity resumes, but before the effects of BOTOX® fully wear off. It is only at this point that your clinician can customise the treatment to give you the best aesthetic effect.
What is Botox® and what does it do?
Botox® is the trade name for Botulinum Toxin Type A, produced by Allergan. It is a purified protein which is used in small quantities for aesthetic purposes to relax muscles which cause unwanted lines or wrinkles It also treats areas of excessive sweating very successfully.
Which areas would I consider having Botox®?
The most common areas to have Botox injections are the 'Frown' lines (between the eyebrows), and 'Smile or laughter lines' (the outer part of the eyes).
As experienced practitioners, Dr and Jenny O'Neill in the Suffolk Medical Clinic can also apply small amounts of Botox to other parts of the face and neck.
This can give very pleasing results by relaxing muscles which cause the outer lips to downturn, the chin to pucker and to smooth necklace lines and vertical ridges on the neckline.
Why and where would I consider having Botox®?
- To smooth away unwanted frown lines, laughter lines and forehead furrows.
- To arch and/or flare the eyebrows, widening the eyes, giving a brighter, happier appearance.
- To reduce vertical lines in the upper and lower lip.
- To tip up the corners of the mouth, and smooth out the chin.
- To relax the platysmal muscles in the neck, smoothing 'necklace' lines.
- To dramatically reduce unwanted excessive sweating of the armpits/hands/feet.
- To treat teeth grinding (bruxism) and enlargement (hypertrophy) of the masseter muscles.
- To treat certain types of persistent severe migraine.
'Frown' lines and 'Smile/laughter' lines appear and disappear naturally when we are young and our skin is supple and elastic. As we get older, these lines start to become etched in and permanent, which many people find less attractive. This can start to happen as young as thirty years of age. The good news is that help is at hand!
Botox relaxes the muscles that cause these lines to appear, which gives a much more youthful, brighter eyed appearance. Regular use of Botox can stop these lines occurring, and helps prevent them becoming permanent.
Advanced practitioners can also treat other parts of the face and neck. Vertical lines in the upper and lower lip can be softened; muscles pulling the outer lips down into a 'sad' droop can be relaxed; eyebrows can be arched; vertical neck bands can be relaxed, gummy smiles or smile asymmetry corrected.
Can I bring someone with me to my appointment?
Yes of course. There is limited space in the procedure room, but you can have a companion if you wish, and there is also a comfortable reception area.
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