
As we age, lips often lose some volume and can start to look a little thinner, they can also flatten and lose their shape. Even in non-smokers, little 'bar code' or lipstick lines on the upper lip can appear, particularly if you’re expressive! Lip fillers can increase the volume of your lips, as well as alter their shape to give you more definition, restore lost volume and add balance and symmetry.

Whether your lips have grown thinner as you’ve got older, or perhaps you’d like to try a new look and give your confidence a boost, lip enhancement or shaping is an effective treatment providing long-lasting, natural results.

More about Dermal Fillers


How it works

Lips which are naturally small or uneven can be enhanced or plumped out with Juvéderm Smile, giving a natural shape to the cupid's bow and turning the corners of the mouth upwards. This gives a happier look and creates a perfect natural shape.

If you are more interested in lip hydration and definition, we can very successfully treat this by using Juvéderm Volbella, Juvéderm Ultra 2, and Revanesse®. These fillers are lovely gentle products which can be used to give your lips definition, and not volume, so you regain the natural shape of your lips without risking a 'trout pout'. This is one of the most popular uses of dermal filler today.

All our dermal fillers contain lidocaine, the local anaesthetic, so the procedure is virtually pain free.

What to expect

Treatment Length 30 - 40 minutes
Downtime Temporary swelling/bruising
Results Last 1 year+

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects?

Do the injections hurt?

How long does it last?

Who is the best person to do the treatment?

Will my lips feel natural?

Lip enhancement, Shaping and Definition - Pricing

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