
If you’re looking to accentuate your natural eyebrows, fill in sparse areas, correct asymmetry, or address concerns related to over-plucking or hair loss conditions, then semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing (Micropigmentation) may be the answer. With semi-permanent cosmetics, we can create beautifully natural eyebrows that save time and the worry of having to draw on your eyebrows daily.


How it works

Micropigmentation is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique designed to enhance the shape, density, and definition of your natural eyebrows. Our process begins with meticulous measurements and mapping of your eyebrows, allowing us to create a bespoke brow design and colour that frames and complements your features. We carefully choose a pigment shade and style (ombré or hair stroke) that harmonises with your hair colour and skin tone to ensure natural-looking results. We then use a digital machine, to delicately and precisely implant pigment into the surface layer of your skin. 

What to expect

Treatment Length Up to 3.5 hours
Healing Time Up to 4 weeks
               Sessions Required Touch up after 6 - 8 weeks
Results Last Up to 18 months

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you make my eyebrows identical?

Do I need a patch test?

How long does it last and do I need maintenance appointments?

How long does the procedure take?

How should I prepare for my appointment?

How will you decide which brow design suits me?

Is a top up essential?

Is Micropigmentation suitable for everyone?

Is the procedure painful?

Is there any downtime?

What happens after my treatment - aftercare advice

What is the Hair Stroke method?

What is the Ombré method?

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